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Coaching Expatriates®
Trademark Guidelines

Everything you need to know about sharing Coaching Expatriates® logos and trademarks.

Hi there! We’re super excited that you want to share Coaching Expatriates® with the world, so we created these Coaching Expatriates® Trademark Guidelines to help our valued customers, partners, licensees, outside vendors, and anyone else understand how to share Coaching Expatriates® trademarked properties within legal guidelines.

You are permitted to use the Coaching Expatriates® name, logos, artwork, and other brand features only in accordance with these Guidelines and Coaching Expatriates® Style Guide. Any use of Coaching Expatriates® brand features contrary to our guidelines is prohibited. Coaching Expatriates® reserves the right to revise or update the Guidelines at its sole discretion. By using or making reference to any Coaching Expatriates® brand asset, you agree to comply with the Guidelines.

Coaching Expatriates® Logos & Trademarks

Coaching Expatriates® brand features include both registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of Coaching Expatriates®.

You can download our logos here. 😄

Coaching Expatriates® Trademarks Guidelines

The Coaching Expatriates® name, logos, artwork, and other brand features are valuable Coaching Expatriates® intellectual property. You acknowledge that Coaching Expatriates® is the sole owner of the Coaching Expatriates® trademarks and service marks, and all goodwill derived from their use accrues only to Coaching Expatriates®. We may review the use of our brand assets at any time and reserve the right to terminate or modify any use.

If you have a separate written agreement with Coaching Expatriates®, that agreement may include different or additional terms concerning the use of Coaching Expatriates® brand assets. If so, please follow the specific guidelines in your agreement.

How To Use/Not Use Coaching Expatriates® Brand Features

You may use Coaching Expatriates® trademarks only in the most current form provided by Coaching Expatriates®.

Do not: (a) modify Coaching Expatriates® brand assets in any way, including by changing any colors or dimensions or obstructing or printing over any part of any logo or adding your own design elements; or (b) use an out of date version of any Coaching Expatriates® logo or trademark.

When you reference Coaching Expatriates®, your reference must be truthful and clearly and accurately indicate your relationship to Coaching Expatriates®.

You are not permitted to use the Coaching Expatriates® name, logos, or trademarks in a way that suggests or implies sponsorship or endorsement by Coaching Expatriates®, in a way that could confuse Coaching Expatriates® with any other brand (including your own), or any affiliation with Coaching Expatriates® (other than, where applicable, your participation as a Coaching Expatriates® Community Member or Ambassador Or Affiliate). If you are creating or sharing videos, we recommend that you use the following disclaimer (or something substantially similar) prominently at the beginning of the video or in its description:

“This [CONTENT TYPE] is not endorsed by, sponsored by Coaching Expatriates®. All content on this [CONTENT TYPE] is created by [YOUR NAME HERE]. For official Coaching Expatriates information, check out their website at www.coachingexpatriates.com.”

Do not imply that you work for Coaching Expatriates®.

Do not use any Coaching Expatriates® brand features in a damaging or derogatory way, or on any site that violates any law, as determined by Coaching Expatriates® in its sole discretion.

Do not use trademarks, logos, company names, icons, product or feature names, domain names, social media handles, or avatars that include “Coaching Expatriates,” variations that look or sound similar to “Coaching Expatriates®,” or any Coaching Expatriates® trademark or logo.

Do not register, purchase, or use any domain names that include the word “Coaching Expatriates” (including any misspelling or transliteration of “Coaching Expatriates”).

Do not apply for any trademark that includes the word “Coaching Expatriates”. The word “Coaching Expatriates” may not be part of your company name, product name, logo, second level domain name, or any social media handle.

Do not use the Coaching Expatriates® trademark in connection with advertising (search engine or otherwise).

Do not use any taglines, slogans or phrases that are similar to any slogans used by Coaching Expatriates®.

Design your website and your collateral with your own branding and logos.

Do not copy or imitate the distinctive look and feel of any Coaching Expatriates® website or apps, logos, trade dress, slogans, taglines, color scheme, icons, or marketing materials as this could create user confusion.

Do not use or display Coaching Expatriates® brand features more prominently in placement or size than your own brands.

Design your merchandise with your own branding and logos.

You are not authorized to use any Coaching Expatriates® logos or trademarks or any confusingly similar marks on any merchandise, including any apparel, toys, or other swag.

Attribute our trademarks properly. Please reflect our ownership of the Coaching Expatriates® trademarks and service marks as follows:

In the U.S., use the ® symbol on the most prominent use of the word Coaching Expatriates (Coaching Expatriates®)*, and say “Coaching Expatriates is a registered trademark and service mark of Coaching Expatriates LLC, DBA Coaching Expatriates” at the bottom of the page on which the Coaching Expatriates word mark first appears.

For anything distributed internationally, do not use the ® symbol. Instead say “Coaching Expatriates is a trademark and service mark of Coaching Expatriates LLC, DBA Coaching Expatriates, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.” at the bottom of the page on which the Coaching Expatriates word mark first appears.

Trademarks are adjectives, not nouns or verbs and should not be used as a plural or possessive. Use the Coaching Expatriates trademark only as an adjective followed by the appropriate noun describing the relevant product or service (e.g., “the Coaching Expatriates® prioritization methodology.”)

Do not use Coaching Expatriates in plural or possessive form or as a verb or as a noun (except where you are referencing Coaching Expatriates LCC DBA Coaching Expatriates).

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