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Get The Right Growth Blueprint To Create Your Career Development Plan!

The world is divided between those who plan and those who don’t. Planning is the mother of all successes and that’s why we give you online programs and tools that teach you how to create your career development plan!

Let us help you make impactful career decisions and grow professionally!

The Career Growth Blueprint

Plan your career path and success with our Growth Blueprint options. Get a step-by-step planning tool to help you create your Career Development Plan.

For Global Leadership Careers

Growth Blueprint Digital Workbook

(Workbook Only)

This workbook provides the exact blueprint and step-by-step process to help you create your career development plan to reach the desired corporate career goal.


One Time Investment

For Global Leadership Careers

Growth Blueprint Online Program

(Workbook + Blueprint Online Guiding Classes)

This program provides the exact blueprint and step-by-step process, along with online guiding classes, to help you create your career development plan to reach the desired corporate career goal.


One Time Investment

For Global Leadership Careers

Global Executive Leadership Program

(Workbook + Blueprint Online Guiding Classes + 9-Week Executive Training + Certificate)

This complete corporate executive program provides not only the exact blueprint and step-by-step process for a career development plan, but also a full executive & leadership training program. It consists of online training program on all main skills in the 4 Success Pillars of Global Leadership. Learn all about global leadership and develop the exact skills to succeed in international corporations.

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Career Development Plan:

from Awakening To Becoming

Our company is specialized in global leadership talent development and executive coaching to help leaders grow in their chairs, and nurture the confidence they need to make impactful business decisions. Plan your career path by using our Growth Blueprint options.

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Career Development Plan: The process is easy!


Get One Of The Blueprint Options

Either with the workbook alone or with the program with assisted classes, by getting the blueprint you get a step-by-step process for creating a career development plan.


Complete the full workbook

By using the expert step-by-step process and completing the workbook, you’ll have on your hads a brand new Career Development Plan. A plan to guide you and help you with your career narrative.


Work The Plan

Plans are wonderful but they don’t make miracles alone. You have to executive what you put on the plan to make progress and achieve success. But because it’s made step-by-step for you, it’s easy to work the plan using our blueprint!

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The workbook is a digital book that contains a step-by-step process to help you create a career development plan. It consists of exercises that you will complete, in order to advance this step-by-step process. Once the workbook is completed, you get your final career growth and development plan ready for execution. Then, it’s a matter of rolling up your sleeves and working your plan.

If you chose to purchase the complete growth blueprint program, you get the advantage of online classes helping you go through each step in completing the workbook. It’s like having a personal coach guiding you through the exercises, except that it’s pre-recorded classes, that you get to watch online at your own convenience. For such a small extra price, it’s super worth it, if you ask me!

Don’t fool yourself: putting together a consistent and strong career development plan is no small feat. Completing the workbook can take anywhere between 2 to 10 weeks, depending on your availability and readiness for the exercises. Remember: faster is not exactly better. A good plan must take its exact time to be sharp, strategical, and useful.

For such a small extra amount, you get more buck for your money if you purchase the Blueprint Program instead of just the workbook, of course. It consists of the workbook plus the guiding classes.

But it’s perfectly possible to complete the workbook without the assisted classes. It’s just that it will be a bit more tedious. In our guiding classes, we provide you quick visualization and meditation exercises to help you “tune-in” to the exercises and to your deepest desires and wishes. This will help you create a better oriented career development plan, because it will be aligned with your core-values and long-term wishes for career and life.

Inside the online classes, you also get examples and kick-starters, to give you some extra ideas on how to fill out the exercises and explore what’s being asked. So it’s super convenient to get the program with the guiding classes!

Both Growth Blueprint options are for corporate leaders who already mastered all skills in global leadership. If you still need to improve global leadership skills and competencies, we recommend you consider purchasing the Global Executive Leadership Program. This executive training program teaches you all foundational and advanced skills in global leadership to succeed besides also containing the blueprint for career development plan.

That’s why we are here, after all! If you need more assistance, you can purchase our “High-Performance Coaching Package” that has 8 coaching sessions, and ask us to help you through the entire process. We can even include in your coaching strategy customized assignments to clear any fears or doubts that might be blocking you from creating your perfect career development plan. Book a Free Strategy Session to start and learn more.

Ready To Grow? Reach Out!

Book a Free Strategy Session today and learn how we can help you create your Career Development Plan!

Our happy customers

We’ve helped Hundreds of people Change & Grow

Learn how we were able to help them in their global leadership development journey to grow their talents and careers!

Nick Menard

Nick Menard

Change Agent at ShaMagic Adventures


“Taty has been a pivotal person in my development over the past 2 years. She constantly champions me and pushes me to be my best. She picks me up when I am down, sits with me when I need to process, and pushes me to greater levels when I am up. I have shown up with an array of topics throughout our time working together and Taty handles each call with poise, upbeat, enthusiastic curiosity. I am so thankful our paths crossed and recommend Taty to all those looking to explore their life, business, relationships, and all the areas in between.”

Debbie Lynch appreciates the intuition and listening skills of her coach.

Debbie Lynch, PhD

Executive Partner, Chief HR Officer Solutions at Gartner


“I had the pleasure of being coached by Tatyana. Her intuition and exceptional listening skills have given me insights to lead a more fulfilling life.”

Rachel Lally thinks she had profound insights with the program

Rachel Lally

Assistant Director, Regulatory & Administrative Affairs


“Working with Tatyana has been an eye-opening experience! She has helped me gain some really profound insights into myself. It’s obvious that not only is she a great coach but she’s also done the hard work of being coached herself!”


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