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Most frequent questions and answers

About the art of Coaching

Traditional coaching is a process that helps individuals or groups improve their performance by helping them clearly define goals and strategies on how to achieve them.

An executive coach helps clients achieve professional goals and make bold business decisions & moves, with confidence and assertiveness. A life coach helps people achieve their personal goals, find happiness and improve life in general.

At Coaching Expatriates® you can expect to have coaching services in both aspects: for business or life. We can customize the package to suit your needs.

Core Energy Coaching™ is a style of coaching that goes way deeper than just setting goals and planning strategies. It explores the core values, beliefs, perceptions, and blocks and filters that a client has, and that will help delineate goals and objectives that are value-driven instead of fear-based. When setting goals like this, individuals and groups will see sustainable results when they achieve their goals, because these results will be aligned with their core being.

Core Energy Coaching™ is a set of ever-evolving coaching techniques and tools developed by IPEC Coaching and its founder Bruce D Schneider. Coaches working with Coaching Expatriates® are certified professionals capable of using and applying this set of techniques and tools.

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the IPEC proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world and turns it into something tangible. It is basically a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. And, it’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach.

The standard coaching programs offered by Coaching Expatriates® contain this assessment in every package for all individuals and can be ordered on demand for specific individuals or entire groups, by Corporate clients.

Every assessment taken through Coaching Expatriates® services is debriefed by an IPEC certified executive coach that is a master practitioner in this assessment.

Unlike other assessments like the MBTI or DiSC, ELI Assessment is not a personality test. It’s an attitudinal assessment that helps you identify your core reactions to circumstances, both in “regular” mode and in “stress” mode. This self-awareness will help you modulate your attitudes, towards a more fulfilling and satisfying approach.

Hiring a great executive coach can be a significant financial commitment. So it’s understandable that you have this question. Coaching is only for you if you are truly invested in achieving your goals right now. If you don’t know if the timing is right, or if you are not ready to make a bold move or decision right now, you won’t benefit from coaching as much.

Coaching leads you to where you want when you are exceptionally committed to making something happen, and when you have that internal urge to make it happen.

That’s why coaching works even when you don’t know yet what you really want. It works because the urge is there.

This means you will be able to take advantage of coaching’s full potential (given that you have the urge to make things happen for you), by:

  1. working on the assignments,
  2. showing up in the sessions with your true and authentic self,
  3. exploring and going deep into feelings and emotions,
  4. reframing thoughts and mindset,
  5. setting up realistic goals,
  6. building a solid and feasible plan,
  7. and, finally, following through with your plans.

If you already know exactly what you want, even better: you will participate in the program with a laser-focused mind and benefit even more.

There are several benefits of hiring an executive coach, and each depends on your own circumstances and needs, but here are some ideas of benefits that people usually can get from coaching:  

  • Build or develop unique leadership skills
  • Learn how to capitalize on your strengths
  • Understand your core values and how aligned your actions are with them
  • Improve how you show up in life, aligned with your core values and beliefs
  • Exercise the expression of your true self; be authentic
  • Advocate for your own perspectives confidently and assertively
  • Improve your time management skills
  • Sort out and prioritize your needs, wants and commitments
  • Build confidence to make bold decisions and moves
  • Create a reliable master plan for your goal; something that sounds realistic and achievable to you, and based on your own skill levels
  • Get support to work through ambiguous and conflicting circumstances
  • Boost your career, grow your business or both

As a certified professional coach, all coaches working with Coaching Expatriates® abide by the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. In this code, coaches are not allowed to make any guarantees.

What Coaching Expatriates® can guarantee is that each coach will do their very best in providing awesome services, with rigor of ethics, strong coaching skills, and a non-judgmental view of your circumstances.

About Our Coaches' Credentials

All executive coaches working with Coaching Expatriates® are certified with IPEC Coaching school of training and hold (at least) the following certifications: Certified Professional Coaches (CPC), Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioners (ELI-MP), International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coaches (ICF ACC)

About Payment & Finance

If, before starting the coaching program, you changed your mind and decided to quit, we will refund you. However, if you started the program already by scheduling your sessions and by attending your first session, refunds are not applicable anymore.

Please understand that coaching only works if you are truly vested in making things happen for you. When you are investing in yourself, you are unconsciously doing a leap of mindset, that is a first step into setting yourself up for success: you are sending yourself a subconscious message that you are “all in” to make things happen. The subconscious does not process or judge. It only works to get things done as ordered. That’s why sending the right message is essential.

As a Certified Professional Coach, all coaches working with Coaching Expatriates® abide by the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. In this code, coaches are not allowed to make any guarantees. Coaching is a service in which results are dependent on the client’s vested interest and effort in making things happen, their will power, their resilience and their own hard work and follow-through. As such, any ROI claim would be empty.

What Coaching Expatriates® can say in terms of ROI is that numerous studies are showing that coaching can improve people’s lives, careers, and relationships. On top of that, many people that experienced a coaching program report increased levels of energy, confidence, and awesome personal results. Please refer to our research page to read more about it.

Hiring a great executive coach or life coach can be a significant financial commitment. This is because these coaches underwent extensive training to become certified professionals and are equipped with high-end techniques to help you with realizing your dreams. It’s an investment for life and what you gain from coaching is something that will inspire you even after the program is done, and will help you keep the good momentum.

Please note that the market is flooded with “coaches.” Most of these coaches do not even have an international certification, much less an accredited one.

Coaching Expatriates® believes in higher education and requires proper accredited certification from all associate coaches.

For regular coaching programs and digital products, we accept all major credit cards, and Paypal.

For customized programs and workshops, we offer all major credit cards, Paypal and Wave App.

Please note: Paypal and Wave App might not be available in your location. If you live in a place different from the USA, your credit card is subject to international fees and rules according to your card issuer.

During the check-out process, you’ll be prompted with your contract and a form to make your payment.

The payment is due after you sign (digitally accept) the contract.

You will only be able to schedule your package sessions once payment is completed and verified. For clients that are in the continuation program, payment is due before scheduling the sessions for the following month.

Certain companies require that the sessions are held in person. Because each executive coach’s hour is an important source of their income, any preparation time and commute time is included in the in-person session fee, since this means that the executive coach is not having a session with another person during that time.

About The Coaching Program

The standard package includes eight regular coaching sessions and the E.L.I assessment, and it’s respective debriefing session, which is a longer session. There is also a final session at the end of the program that is meant to be an off-boarding process. Usually, clients take three months to complete this program fully.

If you are a senior executive, you might want to choose the 12-session package, because chances are that your needs require more time and planning.

No, absolutely not!

We coach anyone who is interested in having an international career or a global impact. This means we coach executives, individual contributors and expert functions that either have (or want to have) a regional or global role.

Good question!

Individuals: There are many hot topics that prompt individuals to hire a great executive coach. It could be a person that just started planning to move to a new country or someone who is already established in a new country, but is feeling a bit overwhelmed in their first years and are finding it hard to acclimate, and this is impacting their work productivity. It could also be someone that is already living in a foreign country for quite a while but is now hoping to implement a big change, like sending kids to college, or changing careers or even wanting to start planning for retirement. It could also be the person who will repatriate, and go back to their original country after a while abroad, and don’t quite know yet how to work that out in the best way, or that is feeling some anxieties around that.

Corporate: Corporations are usually looking for ways to help their expatriates, inpatriates, and repatriated employees exercise their peak performance. They are successful in doing so by hiring an executive coach to work with these talents around their development needs, or potential challenges they might be facing during their acclimation after an international transfer. They also hire executive coaches when the transition is taking a toll on the employee’s confidence or focus. Corporations also look for great coaches, when they identify top talented employees that are marked for a succession plan and need to groom them in specific areas or put together a robust plan for succession. Other possibilities corporations might look for executive coaches are: get help for their teams to perform better together after an integration or acquisition, improve the general team’s energy level and performance, work on cultural drivers, prepare teams for transitions, help with overall team change management.

The standard package includes:

   • The E.L.I. assessment 

   • E.L.I. assessment debrief session

   • Eight regular coaching sessions

   • Personalized assignments

   • Core Values assessment

   * Off-boarding session

We want to be conscious of everyone’s time and busy lives. Sessions for individuals are around 50 minutes, and sessions for corporate clients are around 45 minutes. The E.LI. assessment debrief session is an exception to this because the session usually takes around 80-90 minutes.

When you completed all your sessions, including the E.LI. assessment and its debriefing session, your coaching agreement is done, except if you want to continue the services. In that case, we offer:

   •  Monthly renewal: you can choose to renew month my moth. Every monthly package contains four sessions. 

You can notify your executive coach in the last session of your standard package about your interest in a continuation program, and she will get things arranged for you. Please note that payment for the continuation program is due before you can book new sessions.

Yes. We offer personalized assignments for every client, except if the client has a strong objection against it. Even so, we challenge our clients to explore what are the limiting beliefs or inner blocks that lead to such behavior against assignments.
Assignments can be viewed as silverware during a meal. For you to eat a meal, you can do it without the silverware. But silverware will facilitate the process of eating. The same thing applies to assignments. Assignments are meant to facilitate your progress.

There are a plethora of possibilities, but many corporations look for a service that can provide a measurable tool that can assess their employees’ attitudes. The E.L.I. assessment is an attitudinal assessment that measures how each person responds in a specific situation, based on their filters and beliefs when they are under stress and when they are in a normal response condition. The service goes even further and also provides a team assessment of how the team is responding as a group, including a 360° view.
Companies can purchase just the assessment and its debrief, or they can also couple this service with regular coaching packages to help specific employees or groups work on certain response conditions. For example, a company’s manager might get from the assessment that the assessed team has too much combativeness present in their work relations, and the corporation wants to move the team’s focus from a blame perspective to a solution-based perspective, and decide to hire Coaching Expatriates™ to help them achieve this objective.

About The Session Scheduling

Executive coaches have mutable schedules due to the diversity of services offered. Therefore, to help clients have a better understanding of availability for the sessions, we offer scheduling through an online scheduling service. This way, clients have full visibility of availability and are empowered to schedule on their own what time fits best for them.

Every session is scheduled online, through a link that is provided to every client, based on their package. They are empowered to manage their own session scheduling through this tool. It’s very easy to use: you click on the provided link and will be able to see availability for sessions, and schedule or reschedule them. Clients can do this through computer, tablet, or smartphone.

You can reschedule a session up to 24 hours ahead of your originally scheduled time, without any charge.

If you miss a session, it’s at the company’s discretion to charge for it as if you attended it. If you missed it due to a force majeure, you can work with your coach to show evidence of what happened (like a police report, a doctor’s notice, etc) and how the next steps for rescheduling will be.
Please understand that if you blocked a coach’s time, this means that the coach will not accept another client during that time, so if you miss that time, your executive coach will not be able to make up for the money of that missed appointment. Coaches are living beings like anybody else, and they need to pay their bills and honor their financial commitments.

About Each Session

There are several options for you to attend a session:

   •  Phone call – if you choose this option, your coach will provide you the number that you should call at your scheduled time.
   •  Zoom conferencing (recommended) – your coach will provide you the link for a conference. There is no need for a Zoom account to use this option. Anybody with a smartphone can use this option. You can also use this option on your desktop, laptop, or tablet. Because it is so versatile and packed with additional features, we recommend choosing this option for your sessions.
   •  In-person – sessions can be done in person if negotiated upfront. Please note that different fees might apply.

Depending on how you chose to attend the session, the equipment needed might vary. 

   •  If you chose a phone call, you need access to a working phone that can call a US phone number. Please note that collect-calls will not be answered.
   •  If you chose Zoom conferencing, you need access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer, with battery time longer than an hour and access to internet service.
   •  If you chose in person, you need a room big enough for two people and with privacy, and that is assigned for your use for at least one hour.

In any of the options chosen, we strongly recommend that you have paper and a pen with you to take notes. During the session, you will come up with many ideas, inspirations, research needs, etc, and you will want to write them down to remember them later. If you don’t remember them, you won’t follow through. And if you don’t follow through, you won’t see much progress in your work. We see a strong correlation between customers taking notes and making progress.

Contrary to the widespread assumption, executive coaches do not lead the sessions, the clients do. This means that you, as the client, will bring to your executive coach your main topic for the session. It could be something that is part of an overarching theme or goal, or it could be something needed during the session specifically.
Once you define the topic, your coach will ask you what your goal is for the session and, then, you both will work around values, beliefs, and inner-blocks around that topic. Then your coach will help you in creating the right mindset to move you forward and working towards a plan or smaller action-plans.
Note that each client is unique, so each session is unique as well. The important element here is that you know that you are in the command.

About The Online Courses & Programs

As soon as you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your personalized login information. Once you plug that into the login page, you can start right away! It’s that easy.

Yes. You will be able to watch the videos, download workbooks, and read all the content on your phone. To get the best experience watching the videos, we do recommend you watch it on a desktop, though.

This depends on how much you’d like to get out of the program. We always recommend that you use the planner and/or course time outline as a reference for best results. 

You’ll be tempted to do things faster. But remember, faster and more does not mean better. We planned content in ideal portions to help facilitate your learning process. 

Absolutely. Whether you’re a corporate executive, an expatriate,  a global or regional executive, or a global expert function, gaining skills to make better decisions is always key for career development. Your goals will become easier to accomplish when you use concepts from our programs.

We believe the 4 Success Pillars In Global Leadership truly is one of the most powerful forms of leadership today and that everyone should have the right to learn about it. Yet, very few people were ever taught the basics of it. So to give more people a chance to master this incredible way of leading, prices are as low as we can handle. We still need to make money to continue to reinvest and create more valuable things to our viewership, though, so we cannot offer it for free. But we offer very competitive prices, if you compare to similar products on the market. 

It is very sad to say that most programs out there only focus on one out of the 4 success pillars in global leadership. Either they focus on People Leadership or Organizational Leadership. Very rarely on both. What’s worse, they a lot of times mix concepts from each. The vast majority of leadership programs and executive education skip Personal Leadership altogether. And if you want to learn about Cultural Leadership, you’ll have to enroll on separate special courses.

Finding a package, like ours, that encompasses all 4 Pillars in Global Leadership is something unique and incredibly powerful, if you want to advance in your career, become a top-notch leader, and make a difference in the world today.


Yes, so long as you have the approval of your health provider. Being sick may not mean you are incapable. It may just mean you are in a vulnerable state that requires your attention. If your health provider thinks that it might be a good idea for you to be coached while being treated for a mental illness, you may try. Please understand, though, that we may need your doctor’s written consent.

The main language used is English. Coaching can also be provided in Portuguese if needed.

Most companies hire executive coaches for their senior-level employees or top talents that they want to develop. Talk to your HR to see what the company policy is for executive coaching and if you are eligible for it.

If you are not, don’t get discouraged. Hiring an executive coach yourself sends a message to leaders and to companies that you are a person ready to invest in yourself and your future, and that you are not afraid of challenges. It also sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind that you are not messing around about your goal: you are laser-focused in getting what you want.

Also, another point to consider is: if you don’t want to pay for a service yourself, are you really interested in that service, or are more interested in just using the Company’s resources for your own benefits? 

In our experience, individuals with the mindset of only taking advantage of company’s resources, without vouching for their own choices by investing in themselves, see little progress in life.

In the broadest view, Expatriates can be seen as people who live outside their native country. Some like to define it as a person transferred from the corporate headquarters to a country where the corporation has a subsidiary.

The main difference within the broader corporate definition of expatriation is that an expatriate is a person transferred from the corporate headquarters to a country where the corporation has a subsidiary, while an inpatriate is a person transferred from the foreign subsidiary to the country where the corporation has its headquarters. Repatriates are people who are being transferred back to their original country, after having had a work assignment abroad.

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